Friday, October 15, 2010


Below is an example of my personal goal.  Step one is to list my goal.  Step two is to cover any obstacles that I will be faced with.  Step three is to list all resources that I have.  Step four is revise my goal based on the obstacles and resources that I have.  Step five is to finalize my goal into a more specific and polished goal.

My Goal:
Step 1: I want to graduate with my Master's Degree in Accounting.
Step 2: Obstacles
                1. A four year old who wants to be involved with sports.
                2. A second baby on the way.
                3. Money, I do not get financial aid so my student loans are growing by the minute.
                4. Working a full time job.
Step 3: Resources
                1. My mother
                2. My husband
                3. My teachers
                4. My boss
Step 4: Revised Goal.  I will graduate with my Master's Degree in Accounting.
Step 5: Polished Goal.  I will graduate with my Master's Degree in Accounting from Shorter University by December  2014.

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