Friday, October 15, 2010

5-Day Study Plan

5-Day Study Plan
                The five day study plan is a plan designed to help you space your learning out over a few days so that you are not cramming at the last minute.  This five day plan gives a structure to follow so that you allow enough time for each section for review and practice.  Step one is to increase your study time.  Many students do not do well on test because they do not allow enough time to study and prepare for exams.  By breaking your study time up over five days you can allow yourself more time to study and review the material without being overwhelmed.  Next you need to space your study time.  If you know you want to study eight to ten hours for your exam, do a couple hours a day.  This helps you retain what you are reading and no get overwhelmed in the process.  Third you will need to divide the material.  Divide the material into groups to study so that you are studying similar information in your smaller one or two hour sessions.  If you have four chapters that will be covered on the exam you may break it down and study one chapter each day then do a final review on day five.  Modifying the plan is the next step.  If you have already written down some possible questions you may not need so much preparation time, prepare less and review more.  Next you will plan active study tasks.  This allows you to expand your study time to more specific tasks, like reading questions and answering them out loud.    Lastly you will use active review strategies.  Self test yourself.  Have someone read your questions to you and you answer.  Reciting the information helps you remember it when it comes time for the test.  By using these steps over a five day period you can increase your grade and retention of the information presented.

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